11 Animals with Big Heads (With Pictures)

There are many types of animal’s lives on the planet Earth. Each animal is different from the other animal. They have their unique qualities and each has special characteristics.

Here in this article, we take a look at a compiled list of 11 different animals with big heads with pictures. The big heads of these animals often play an important role in their ability to hunt, defend themselves, communicate, and interact with their environment.


We will look at their habitat, diet, environment, important information, and other interesting facts about them.

Let’s take a look at the compiled list of all the big head animals.

11 Animals with Big Heads With Pictures

1. African Elephant


The largest land animal in the world is the African Elephant. African elephant is a genus that includes two species of elephants: the first is the African bush elephant and the second is the African forest elephant. They are mainly found in the forests and grassland areas of Africa.

Elephants are known for their unique features, including their big head, long trunk, two large ears, and two tusks which they use for many purposes such as communication, lifting objects, defense, and gathering food.

Elephants are the highly social and intelligent animals on the planet. They live in herds of 10 to 20 elephants, often led by the eldest female elephant or matriarch.

Overall, their big head plays an important role in their ability to survive and grow in their natural habitat.

2. Hippopotamus:


Hippopotamus are also called hippos or river horses. Hippos are one of the largest semi-aquatic mammals that can be found in sub-Saharan Africa. They prefer to spend most of their time near rivers, lakes, and areas of mud. Hippos are omnivore creatures and their diet mainly includes aquatic plants, roots, and leaves of forest plants, grasses, and fruits.

Hippos are known for their massive large head, sharp teeth, and powerful jaws which they use for protection and feeding. They are very aggressive and dangerous wild creatures.

3. Horse


Horses are big-headed animals. They are found in every region of the world, including the United States, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Australia, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Mongolia.

Domestic horses can be adapted as pet animals which means they can live with humans, but wild horses live in plains and grasslands. Since they are herbivores, their diet includes grass, leaves, and many other plant components.

Wild horses are very well adapted to their living environment and are able to survive in a wide variety of habitats, from deserts to grasslands. The lifespan of a horse is an average of around 25 to 30 years.

4. Lion


Everyone is well aware that the lion is the king of the Jungle. Lions are carnivorous animals capable of hunting animals larger than themselves. They eat the flesh of herbivorous animals such as zebra, wildebeest, giraffe, antelope, buffalo, and pigs.

Lions are mainly found in Africa and Asia, especially in savannas and grasslands, but they are also found in various other continents.

Male lions are larger than female lions and have hair around their necks. Their head is also bigger than that of a female lion.

5. Panda


The giant panda is also known as the panda bear. They are one of the cutest animals which is why most of us easily fall in love with them. Pandas have black and white colored fur which makes them one of the most recognized animals in the world.

The size of their head is large in comparison to the rest of their body. They are found in south-central China and other places. Pandas are herbivorous animals which means that their diet mainly consists of bamboo roots, stems, leaves, and shoots.

6. Rhino


The rhinoceros is a very large and bulky animal. There are 5 known species of rhinoceros in the world, with two being native to Africa and three native to Asia. Rhinos have one or two large horns, which are located on the upper part of their snout.

Rhinoceros are herbivores creatures and eat mostly leaves, branches, and grasses of plants in their diet. Despite being large in size, rhinos are preyed upon by animals such as lions and tigers.

7. Gorilla


Gorillas are considered the biggest living primates in the world. There are two species of gorillas in the world: the first is the Eastern Gorilla and the second is the Western Gorilla. They are herbivore creatures which means that their diet mainly consists of plants.

Gorillas live in family groups called troupes, which are led by a dominant life-experienced male gorilla called a silverback, and they communicate using a variety of vocalizations and body language.

8. Shrews


Shrews are small mammals that can be found in almost all regions of the world. Their eyes are very small and their ears are moderately large. Also, their large head is disproportionately large compared to the rest of their body. They usually consume insects, but they can also eat the flesh of other small animals and plants.

9. Grizzly Bear


Grizzly bears are also known as Simply Bear or North American Brown Bear. Grizzly Bears are one of the largest land-based predators in the world. Brown bears are omnivore creatures and are found in North America. They are very large and powerful animals.

Grizzly bears are mainly found in woodlands, forests, prairies, alpine meadows, and other related habitats. As grizzly bears are omnivore creatures that’s why their diet consists of many different things, including plants, small mammals, insects, and fish.

10. Bison


The bison is one of the largest terrestrial mammals in the world. They are very powerful creatures.

They are herbivores animals and their diet mainly consists of grass. They are known for their distinctive features such as their shaggy brown fur, large head, and shoulder hump. Despite the bison is a big mammal, they can run faster and get speed up to 40 mph.

They are considered important to the ecosystem because their grazing helps keep grasslands healthy and their dung is an excellent source of nutrients for the soil.

11. Koala


Koala is also known as Koala bear. They are herbivores and creatures found in Australia and other places such as in zoos. Koalas can be easily recognized by their appearance as they have big heads and thick bodies.

Koalas are arboreal animals that live in eucalyptus forests where they feed on the leaves of eucalyptus trees and drink water from nearby ponds or streams. Since koalas are nocturnal animals, they are mostly active at night and spend most of their day resting on tree forks or branches.


These are the 11 animals with big heads list. But apart from this, there are many animals with big heads that are also living on the earth. Each animal has their unique characteristics, physical strength, and uniqueness. We hope you understand a lot about these big head animals.

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